304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Start your business the smart way

Business formation documents for as low as $3

Business Plan and Management

A business plan can help you to define your goals, strategies, and financial projections. It can also be a valuable tool for attracting investors and partners.

Business Agreements

Business agreements are essential for any business, regardless of size or industry. They help to protect your business interests, clarify expectations, and avoid disputes.

Banking and Collections

Banking and collections documents are legal documents that are used to facilitate the transfer of money between parties. These documents may be used to collect debts, make payments, or open bank accounts.

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Any resource for your business needs

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100% Customer Support

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Featured Products

Get these products for $2.5

You Need A Hand

Starting a business can be an exciting time, but it can also be daunting. There’s so much to do and learn, and it can be hard to know where to start.

That’s where we come in. We offer a wide range of templates and resources to help you start your business right, the first time.

Whether you’re filing for an LLC, creating a business plan, or developing your marketing strategy, we have the tools you need to succeed.

Our templates are professional, easy to use, and customizable to fit your specific needs. And our resources are written by experts in the field of business formation and startup.

So if you’re ready to start your business, we can help.


What some business owners like yours are saying

I was so overwhelmed by the thought of starting my own business. I didn’t know where to start or what to do. But then I found your website and it was a lifesaver! Your templates and resources made the whole process so easy and straightforward. I was able to file for my LLC, create a business plan, and develop my marketing strategy in just a few days. Thanks for your help!

Natalie Bowes
Interior Designer

“I’m a serial entrepreneur and I’ve started several businesses over the years. But even I found your website to be helpful. Your templates and resources are so well-written and informative. They helped me to streamline my business formation process and avoid some costly mistakes.

Sandra Jakes


I’m a lawyer and I help my clients start businesses on a daily basis. I used to recommend that they hire a professional business formation service, but that can be expensive and time-consuming. But now I recommend your website to all of my clients. Your templates and resources are so comprehensive and easy to use that they can start and run their businesses on their own. Thanks for making business formation so accessible! 

Alex Veganosili

Esq., Attorney at Law

Hate the paperwork? We've got you!

Our templates are tested and proven to help you with business formation, business management, planning and business agreements.